A screen shot is an image of something on your computer screen. Many graphics programs have a built-in tool for capturing screen shots, but you can manage without them.
Position: Be sure what you want to capture is on top of any other open windows.
Capture: Hold
one of the ALT keys down while pressing the Print Screen key. This sends an image
of the active window to the Windows Clipboard.
(If you just press the Print Screen key, the Clipboard gets an image of
the entire screen.)
MS Paint: Open the graphics program, MS Paint. Start menu | All Programs | Accessories | Paint. OR, Start | Run | type mspaint and click OK.
Paste: Use the menu Edit | Paste or the keyboard combo CTRL + v.
Edit: You can add text or other helpful markings. Paint does not have a tool to crop the images but you can select and copy part of the image and then paste into a new Paint canvas.
Save As: From the menu, File | Save As. The Save As dialog opens.
File Type: Choose the GIF file type to reduce the very large default file size.
Name and location: Enter a name for the file and navigate to the folder where you wish to save.
Print: From the menu, File | Print...
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~~ 1 Cor. 10:31 ...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ~~
Last updated: 30 Apr 2012