PowerPoint Basics:
Print Preview

Title: Jan's Illustrated Computer Literacy 101

Did you want: Working with Presentations: PowerPoint 2007,2010,2013,2016 or español

PowerPoint offer more choices for printing than most programs. There are several layout options, but that makes it easy to print the wrong one.

Print Preview is your friend! Use it!!!

Print Preview

Print Preview for socialissues.ppt
Handouts layout: 3 slides per page

Where you are:
JegsWorks > Lessons > Presentations

Before you start...

Project 1: PowerPoint Basics
    Getting StartedTo subtopics
    Interface To subtopics
    CreateTo subtopics
    Printing Arrow to Subtopics
    Icon: Step-by-StepPrint Preview
    Icon: Step-by-StepPrint Dialog
    ExercisesTo subtopics

Project 2: PowerPoint FormattingTo subtopics

Project 3: Advanced PowerPoint To subtopics


Toolbar: Print Preview

Toolbar: Print Preview

The Print Preview toolbar gives you easy access to the most commonly used settings for printing. Other features can be accessed through the Print dialog.

Button: Previous pageButton: Next page
Previous Page, Next Page
Change display to previous or next page of print-out. Grayed outButton: Previous - gray when not available.

Button: Print (on Print Preview bar) Print dialog Dialog: PrintOpens the Print dialog where you can choose a printer and configure how it will print.

Button: Print What- Slides
Print What:
Control: Print WhatChoose from the list of available print layout options,. Slides is the default.

Buttons: Orientation - Horizontal, Vertical
Page Orientation:
Horizontal or Vertical paper orientation.
The default for Slides is button: Orientation - Horizontal Horizontal.
The default for other layouts is Button: Orientation - Vertical Vertical.

Text Button: Options Options Button: Options - droppedThe Options list has a number of useful features including:
  • Header and Footer...
  • Color/Grayscale
  • Frame Slides

Button: ZoomZoom Zoom controls the size of the page in the preview window.

Button: Close (text) Close This Close button just switches you back to the Normal view in PowerPoint. It closes the preview but not the presentation or the program.

Icon: PowerPoint 2002Button: Help  Button: Help with tip available
Icon: PowerPoint 2003 Button: Help
Help with tip available
Icon: PowerPoint 2002The Help button has two looks. The light bulb on the button tells you that the Office Assistant has a tip about what you have been doing. The light bulb only shows when you have the Office Assistant turned on.

Icon Step-by-Step 

Step-by-Step:Print Preview

 Icon Step-by-Step

What you will learn:

to open a recent presentation
to switch to Print Preview
to pick a print layout from the Print what: control box
to create header & footer for handouts
to print handouts
to print the outline

Start with: Icon: PowerPoint with blank document,Icon: Class disk worldtraveloffer.ppt from previous lesson

Open Recent Presentation: Task Pane

  1. Task Pane: New Presentation - recent filesIcon: PowerPoint 2002 If necesssary, open the New Presentation task pane. [ View  |  Task Pane , open drop list of panes]

    Pane: Getting StartedIcon: PowerPoint 2003 If necessary, open the Getting Started task pane.
    [ View  |  Task Pane , open drop list of panes]

  2. From the list of Recent documents, click on worldtraveloffer.ppt. The presentation opens and the Task Pane closes.

    Icon: TroubleFile not on list:
    If worldtraveloffer.ppt does not appear in the list, click on the link More presentations... or More... to open the Open dialog. Navigate to worldtraveloffer.ppt on your Class disk or wherever you saved it earlier.

  3. Close buttons labeledClick on Button: Close the Close button for the presentation. Next you will use the menu to open the same presentation.
    Be careful not to close PowerPoint. You aren't done yet!

Open Recent Presentation: Menu

  1. Menu: File | recent file - worldtraveloffer.pptFrom the menu, click on  File . At the bottom of the menu is a list of presentations that have been opened recently.

  2. Click on worldtraveloffer.ppt. The presentation opens.

    Icon: Trouble Cannot find file: If this presentation is not in the list, select from the menu  File  |  Open... to get to the Open dialog and then navigate to the saved presentation on your Class disk, or wherever you saved it.

Open Print Preview

  1. Print Preview - slidesClick on Button: Print Preview the Print Preview button on the toolbar to open the preview.
    The default print layout is Slides, which prints one slide per page.

  2. Use the Previous Button: Previous and Next Button: Next buttons on the toolbar to view the pages of the preview. Or, you can use the scrollbar.
    Lots of wasted space on these pages.

Print Preview Options

  1. Menu: Preview - Options - Frame slidesClick the Options... button on the toolbar to open the list of printing options.
  2. Click on  Frame Slides . Now each slide has a border. Very helpful since these slides don't yet have a background.

    Preview - slides with border

  3. Scroll through all of the slides again.

Print Layout: Handouts

  1. Button: Print What - Handouts 3 per pageClick the arrow at the end of the Print what: control to open the list of layout choices.
  2. Select each layout in turn and scroll through the pages to see how the slides fit on the page.
  3. Finally, click on Handouts: 3 slides per page. This layout puts 3 slides on each page with lines for writing notes.
    This layout is good if your audience needs to take notes during your speech. Be sure they have the pages before you start!

Print Preview: 3 slides per page with lines for writing notes

Headers/Footers: Notes and Handouts

You can create a header and a footer for your Notes and Handouts. Your choices also apply to printed outlines but not to the Slides layout.

Confusion: There are two different headers and footers! Each has a tab in the Header and Footer dialog.

  • Slides -  Header and footer are on the slide itself. Each slide can have a different header/footer or all slides can have the same header and footer.
  • Notes, Handouts, Outline  - The same header and footer on all the print-out pages besides the Slides layout.
  1. Menu: Options... in Print Preview Open the Options... list and click on Header and Footer.... The Header and Footer dialog appears.
    Since you are previewing a Handout layout, the Notes and Handouts tab is on top.
  2. In the Header text box, type in your name. The information in this box will appear at the top left of the printed pages.

    Dialog: Header and Footer - tab for Notes and Handouts

  3. View each page of the print layout to see that your new header info is there.

    Preview - Handout with 3 slides per page and your name in the header

  4. Icon: Printer Click the Print button Button: Print (on Print Preview toolbar) on the Print Preview toolbar and then OK in the Print dialog to print the 2  pages of your Handouts.

Print Layout: Outline

The Print Preview of the outline will show only what is showing in the Outline tab in Normal view. If you collapse all of the outline levels, then your outline will show just the slide titles.

WarningThe printed outline will always use the same text formatting as the slides, but your Outline tab can hide that formatting.

  1. Button: Print What - OutlineFrom the Print what: box, select Outline View .
    The preview changes to show just the outline of the presentation.

    Preview: Outline

    The outline includes the text table items. The table columns are a little off.  The header includes your name as before. Nice!

    TipIf you had used a regular table instead of a text table, none of the table data would be in the outline!

  2. Icon: Printer Click the Print button Button: Print (on Print Preview toolbar) on the Print Preview toolbar. The Print Dialog opens. The default settings should be acceptable this time.

  3. Click on OK to print the Outline. It's only 1 page. The Print dialog closes.

  4. Close the Preview by clicking  the text Close button Text Button: Close or the standard Close button Button: Close on the Print Preview toolbar. Your normal PowerPoint window appears.
    Did you think that PowerPoint itself would close? It looks like it should to me!


  1. Icon: Class diskClick the Save button to save your changes. [worldtraveloffer.ppt]

    Full floppy disk How to handle a full Class disk

  2. Close the presentation.

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~~  1 Cor. 10:31 ...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  ~~

Last updated: 30 Apr 2012